A table in human readable format Part III Last two times I showed you how easily you can extract information from EPPO SQLite database, put it into easily understandable table and how to make use of EPPO REST API. Below I show you I will show you how to download files straight into list and use to expand table. Lets prepare our workflow by defining some variables e.g. EPPOcodes.
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Michal J. Czyz

Why to write yet another blog on R? The Answer is quite straightforward. Recently I figured out that I am stuck in a moment with R skills. There are two solutions to this problem:
  • Find a mentor.
  • Write a blog.
The latter seems to be better solution with additional benefits.
  1. Boosting writing in English skills.
  2. Forcing to be more organized.
  3. Chance to show code.
  4. Obtain proficiency in RMarkdown ;)
Thus, I hope you will enjoy it and will find some usefull things for yourselves.

